AWS Cloudtrail Logging to Splunk Cloud

This how-to article will walk you through setting up a base Splunk Cloud Enterprise environment using the Splunk Cloud Enterprise Light license:

Step 1:

Go toService->IAMAdd User and create a new user account for Splunk. Splunk cloud requires a programmatic user account to access log resources within AWS. This account will only have permission to assume a role (which we will create in a later step) with the necessary permissions. Click the Next, Add permissions button in the bottom right corner.

Step 2:

Attach an inline policy similar to below granting the “splunk test” user account permission to assume the splunk role created in a later step. We will be replacing the “arn:aws:iam::xxxxx:role/prometheus_splunk_role” arnwith the arn of the role we create in the next step.

Step 3:

Create a role for the splunk user account to assume with all of the necessary privileges to pull logs from required aws services. Click “Next:Permissions” to add a new policy with the permissions required for splunk to pull logs from various services

(Example IAM policy which will cover the majority of access splunk should need within AWS)


“Version”: “2012-10-17”,

“Statement”: [


“Effect”: “Allow”,

“Action”: [

































































“Resource”: [





Step 4:

Click the “Review Policy” button in the bottom right hand corner to create the policy. this  will associate the policy with the splunk role. Next, Give your role a name and brief description as shown below and click the “create role” button.

Step 5:

Go back to roles, find the role you just created and select it to go into the configuration details as shown below:

Step 6:

Once inside the role configuration, select the trust relationships tab, and click the”edit trust relationships” button. We are going to add the ARN for the splunk user we created as a trusted entity allowing only the splunk user to assume this role.

Step 7:

Add the policy below replacing the user ARN with the splunk user ARN you created in the previous step and click “update policy”. Make sure to record the role ARN for the next stepping out of the role config.


“Version”: “2012-10-17”,

“Statement”: [


“Effect”: “Allow”,

“Principal”: {

“AWS”: “<add splunk user arn here>”


“Action”: “sts:AssumeRole”




Step 8:

Go back to users, select the splunk user you created. We are going to add the role arn to the inline user policy we created earlier. The inline policy will only allow the splunk user to assume the splunk role. Click the policy we attached earlier to the splunk user and click the “edit policy” button.


“Version”: “2012-10-17”,

“Statement”: [


“Effect”: “Allow”,

“Action”: “sts:AssumeRole”,

“Resource”: “<add splunk role arn here>”




Step 9:

Now that we have the Splunk user created along with the role it will assume with all of the necessary permissions, it’s time to create the SQS queues. Two queues will be required. One queue will be the dead letter queue for error messages to be kicked over to and the other will be the queue used to capture the S3 notifications when a new Cloud trail event is sent to the S3 bucket. Select the SQS service, and click the create new queue button. Select the Standard queue option, give the queue a name similar to below, and click the “Quick-Create-Queue” button:

Step 10:

Now follow the same steps to create another queue except this time, click the “ConfigureQueue” button to go into the queue configuration. Here, set the Default visibility timeout to five minutes, check the box for “Use RedrivePolicy”, add the name for the dead letter queue to the “Dead Letter Queue” field, and set “maximum Receives” to 1:

Step 11:

Now that we have the queues set up, create the S3 bucket we will copy the cloud trail events to and configure the events settings similar to below in order to send all of the object create events to the SQS queue. Splunk will subscribe and poll this SQS queue and pull the new logs from S3 as soon as it sees the object create event in the SQS queue.

Step 12:

Now we are ready to set up a new trail. Select the Cloudtrail service and create a new trail. give your trail a name and create an s3 bucket to send the logs to as shown below.

Step 13:

Now it’s time to set up Splunk cloud. Log in to splunk cloud and make sure to download the Splunk Add on for AWS and reboot. Once this is complete, follow the steps below to start ingesting cloudtrail logs.

              Step 13a: Go to “Splunk Apps and Add ons” and then open the

              “Splunk Add-on for AWS” app.

              Step 13b: ” Click the “Add Data” button

              Step 13c: Click on the Configuration tab

              Step 13d: the “Account” tab should already be select. Click the “Add” button. Give the splunk account a name (Preferably the same name as the Splunk IAM user you created), and paste in the programmatic account key and secret key. Click Add.

             Step 13e: Select the IAM role tab, and paste in the splunk role ARN created in the previous steps, give it a name, and click Add.

Step 14:

Configuration is now complete. Now, simply select search in the Splunk toolbar and you should see a host populated under what to search. select the host to start searching the cloudtrail logs.